Absolute Ecology | Careers
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Sub-contractors Welcome!

Absolute ecology has an extensive network of ecological consultants and ecology related contractors who work with us on a wide range of ecological consultancy and contracting projects.

We pride ourselves on developing relationships with other specialist environmental business so if you think there are opportunities to collaborate with us, please do get in contact. We are looking for enthusiastic, motivated and experienced ecologists to carry out Preliminary Ecological Appraisals, Bat Assessments, GCN Surveys, Reptile survey.

If you have experience and feel you have skills that would add value to our ecology, countryside management, ecological contracting please do contact us

At University or College and your after more experience in the ecology field then please do contact us.

Natural England Low Impact Bat Class Licence: Absolute Ecology LLP

Natural England has launched a new class licence for low impact bat works. This new licencing process has been developed to streamline the bat licence process and to reduce delays and costs.

The new Low Impact Bat Licence will allow works on developments which will have a low impact on a small number of bats, while ensuring the works are undertaken within the law.

The range of innovative measures, designed to reduce both the volume of licence applications and the associated costs, marks a significant step by Natural England towards its goal of cutting red tape and creating a more efficient organisation.
Savings have been made chiefly via the introduction of an ‘annexed licence’* system for works affecting bats, great crested newts and dormice – which has reduced the number of applications and subsequent rejections and reapplications; and a new ‘class licence’ – which has reduced applications for individual mitigation licences for low impact works affecting bats.
This means Absolute Ecology is one of the few consultancies can issue Low Impact Bat Licences without further consultation with Natural England. As a result, projects will be able to proceed without the delay of the standard bat licence.

Special Points of Interest

  • Carry out any surveys required as early in the planning process as possible to save time and delays and money.
  • November to April Season is badger surveys
  • March to June is Great Crested Newt survey season and scoping assessments can be all year round.
  • Bat activity Survey season May to September/October.
  • Bat hibernation and general scoping assessments is November to March/April

Don’t forget Phase 1 Habitat Surveys can be all year round.


For more information, contact us today on 01782 444292 or 07947 783448